
The gizzard is actually one of the most nutritious parts of chicken, despite the prominence of other poultry meat selections. It is high in protein. So high, in fact, that one cup of gizzard meat can satisfy up to 88% of your daily recommended value of protein. When your body breaks down proteins, they become amino acids which are important for muscle and tissue development in your body.

Gizzard meat is also low in fat, and high in vitamins. Gizzard contains several vitamins including Vitamin B12, which is essential for brain function and forming white blood cells, niacin, which is good for circulation and producing hormones, and riboflavin, which keeps your skin and hair healthy. Consuming gizzards will lead to increased levels of iron, phosphorus, and zinc consumption. Iron helps your body form red blood cells, phosphorus, which benefits heart and muscle function, and zinc, which, improves immune system functions.

Product Specification

Pack500 Grams
Pieces9-13 pieces
Gross WeightNA
Net Weight450 grams
Minimum Order Quantity1 Pack

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